Oscar (Reeva n Oscar inset)
A south African Appeals court has found the double-amputee Olympic star, Oscar Pistorius guilty of  murder by overturning an earlier lesser conviction of manslaughter.
Oscar was convicted last year of manslaughter for killing his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp on 2013 valentine day, at a high-profile court case dubbed "the trial of the century" as it was the first ever court case to be  broadcast live on South Africa Television and a popular topic in the News and social media globally.
The sport star claimed he mistook his girlfriend for a buglar and fired four shots into a looked toilet cubicle in self defence.

                                                29-year old  Reeva n Oscar

Pistorius who is out on bail( and on house arrest) having served a year of his five-year sentence for manslaughter, now faces a 15-year jail sentence, which is the mandatory minimum in South Africa for a murder conviction. Lucky him that he is not in Nigeria, because here as long as you are convicted of murder, there is but one sentence, death by hanging. No minimum sentence, only maximum sentence for murder.
The Olympic Icon who won numerous gold medals as a paralympian 400 sprinter, made history when he won the right to compete and competed at the 2012 London Olympic games. He became an international celebrity of some sort.

He was born without bones in his lower legs which were amputated when he was a child. He is kown as the "blade runner" because of the blade-like appendages that disabled athletes use for sprinting.
This is quite a tragedy. 'A human tragedy of Shakespearean proportion', as the South African court of appeals decribed it.
photo credit: getty images