Yes, i do have a healthy natural hair. And by natural, i mean my retouched God-given hair. I feel good about it because i like rocking my natural hair as much as i like braiding or fixing weave-on. I have gotten lots of compliment because of it,. sometimes people try to or do actually touch my hair just to know if it's enhance with weave-on (I don't exactly like that part) or all mine. i have been asked how I got the transformation, so I have decided to share.
My hair wasn't always healthy or even had volume. I was one of those people with stubborn hair that needed retouching every other month but still the texture was nothing appealing. My hair wasnt growing or it was just breaking off faster than it grew.
Need I say that I tried and used so many hair relaxers and products, even popular high brands and expensive ones. I had also tried products with natural/native ingredients but didnt get the desired result. can you imagine how frustrating that can be? maybe you can.
Well, all that came to a gradual end when I made the choice to buy VITALE OLIVE OIL Anti-breakage No Lye Conditioning Relaxer ,with coconut oil and vitamins.
Olive oil is a natural anti-breakage oil that penetrates inside the hair shaft enhancing the vitality and wellness of the hair. On the second time i used the product, I observed that my hair breakage was reduced significantly and my hair was smoother and full. My hair colour improved to a darker shade. My hair grew too, though I had to cut it shorter because that way I can style it desirably to something cute and funky if i want to.
The package contains products that condition and preserve the natural strength and glow of the hair. Since I started using this product I have not used any other hair treatment and I have my desired result. It can only get better.
So if you have a dry, stubborn, scanty or weak hair, You can give this a try. it might just be what you hair needs to be healthy. The product is quite affordable and a package can take up to 3 retouches.