Fit Breakfast: 3 Proven Benefits Of AVOCADO
Good morning Lovelies, i hope you had a good night rest. So breakfast is ready. I decided to add Avocado to my watermelon today instead of banana or cucumber which are usually my choice combo.
Click HERE to read reasons why you should eat fruits for breakfast.
I know that many of us who are on a weight loss journey have been told to run away from every and anything fat, so probably you have not had avocado in a long while.
I want to disabuse your mind about avocado which is a good fat. Yes healthy monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFA). If you would like to lose weight, improve your skin and lower your risk
of many life-threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart
disease, then Avocado should be on you 'do-list'.
Avocado is particularly rich in potassium, even higher than banana that usually get our votes. Many people don’t get enough of the mineral potassium in their diet.
This deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, which is in turn a
significant risk factor for heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. So avocado is a good food to eat for normal blood pressure
and a lower risk of kidney failure and heart disease.The oleic acid and dietary fiber
in avocados help normalize blood sugar levels, lowering the risk of diabetes.
The monounsaturated fats in avocado are vital for maintaining good
moisture levels in the epidermal layer of your skin that make it look
and feel soft and healthy.
These omega-3 fats are known to assist in reducing skin redness and
irritation and are involved in repairing damaged skin cells. A good
dietary intake of monounsaturated fat can moderate sebum production as
well, which helps control acne, blackheads and excessively oily skin. Also protects your skin from wrinkles and
other visible signs of aging with its antioxidant carotenoids; vitamin E
which helps guard against photo-aging from sun exposure; and vitamin C
which is involved in the creation of elastin and collagen for
maintaining your skin’s elasticity and firmness.
Yes, you heard right. Avocado may be high in fat and calories but it is recommended for weight loss. Research has shown that avocado’s monounsaturated fatty acids
are much more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as
body fat. Snacking on nuts like almonds and omega-3 rich walnuts is highly beneficial to weight loss instead of high carbohydrate processed foods.
The steady energy and satisfied fullness that you get from eating an avocado is one of the reasons it is so good at reducing hunger and appetite, which in turn stops you from over eating.
click HERE for how to ripen your avocados quickly and naturally at home, so you have a constant supply.
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Be fit. Be Healthy.